Helge Windisch


Köln & Berlin

flaneur design developes illustrative design – artwork, illustration, visualization, graphic recording, animation, illustrative interior design.

flaneur design exists since 1995, after the diplome of Visual Communication at the FH Düsseldorf (1900-1995) and Ecole d’Art Marseille Luminy (1993) (In Marseille the identifying Idea about the flaneur ideology was born under the influence of the literature of Walter Benjamin and the practice of sketching and learning to see on the streets more than in institutes) Design and Concepts (all media) with focus on Illustration built was always the background of my creative services for agencies and direct clients.

Since 2012 flaneur design began with Graphic Recording and Live Illustration.

Graphic Recording is the use of large scale imagery to lead groups and individuals towards a goal. The method is used in various processes such as meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences. This visual process is conducted by the graphic recorder.

In times of Change and Perspectives to the future all kind of organisations, firms and enterprises see the positive and important effect of visualization. As well the Live Illustration and -painting as active part of an event becomes part of the creative services of flaneur design.

Bismarckstrasse 51 | 50672 Koeln
Phone 0049.(0)221.9524465


Pappelallee 78/79 | 10437 Berlin

Überall wo sich Menschen treffen, um miteinander Dinge zu erarbeiten, zu besprechen und zu planen, ist Visualisierung, bzw. Graphic Recording oder Visual Facilitation sinnvoll. Sei es in Meetings, Tagungen, Konferenzen, Seminaren, Trainings und Workshops, sei es in Lehre, Studium, Forschung und Entwicklung.

Alles Besprochene wird in Visualisierung bzw. Visuelle Protokollen in vereinfachter Form in Bild- und Textkombination festgehalten. Diese Visualisierungen und Illustrierten Mindmaps  dienen auch nach der Veranstaltung als Diskussionsgrundlage für die themenbezogenen interne Kommunikation.